52 research outputs found

    Transformaciones en la identidad territorial en Chiloé desde la llegada de la industria salmonera: el caso de la localidad de Quemchi

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    La presente investigación aborda las transformaciones en la identidad territorial que han experimentado, en las últimas tres décadas, los habitantes del poblado de Quemchi, perteneciente a la Isla Grande de Chiloé. Se postula que el principal agente de esta transformación es la industria de la salmonicultura, la cual se instaló de forma definitiva en el archipiélago de Chiloé en la década de 1980 y desde su consolidación ha ido generando, paulatinamente, importantes cambios territoriales. La investigación se centra en los componentes claves que moldean la identidad territorial chilota, los que principalmente tienen relación con las prácticas pesqueras tradicionales de la zona y el uso económico de los recursos que entrega el territorio, para entender así, cómo éstas debieron reestructurarse y convivir con las transformaciones socioespaciales generadas a nivel local provocadas por una industria inmersa en la economía global.Palabras claves: Identidad territorial, transformaciones socioespaciales, industria salmonera, prácticas pesqueras, territorio

    Espacio y territorio como categorías para la comprensión del tiempo presente: Emergencia teórica y renovación conceptual a propósito del octubre chileno – 2019

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    The mobilization cycle that began in October 2019 represented a crucial moment in the Chilean democratic trajectory. What began as a protest for the rise of 30 Chilean pesos in the Santiago Metro, quickly took on national demand as the horizon exceeded that specific bid, and became a systemic and structural criticism of the democratic institutions and the constitutional, economic, social and cultural structure inherited from the dictatorship. This social awakening in October not only implied transformations associated to material life. Also the conceptual and theoretical tools that were used to understand social phenomena from spaces of intellectual exercise, such as universities were modified. One of these categories is precisely space and territory, which from the nineties with supported and growing socio-environmental movements, was installed in the repertoire of popular demands. A dimension that was also strongly glimpsed in the October protests: the defence of territories as spaces for life. Based on this, a two-dimensional journey is proposed, first a theoretical conceptual debate and on the other hand a historical approach dealing with the emergence of the concept in recent Chilean history, with the interest of understanding a socio-territorial and historical dimension of what happened in October 2019.El ciclo de movilización iniciado en octubre de 2019 representó un momento crucial en la trayectoria democrática chilena. Lo que se inició como una protesta por el alza de 30 pesos chilenos en el Metro de Santiago, rápidamente tomó tintes de movimiento nacional, cuando las demandas puntuales se transformaron en una crítica sistémica y estructural de la conformación democrática, constitucional, política, económica, social y cultural heredada desde la dictadura.  Este despertar social de octubre, no solo implicó transformaciones asociadas al plano de la vida material, sino también cambios en torno a las herramientas conceptuales y teóricas que son utilizadas para la comprensión de los fenómenos sociales desde los espacios de ejercicio intelectual, como las universidades. Ejemplos de esas categorías son precisamente el espacio y territorio, conceptos que a partir de la década del noventa, con sostenidos y crecientes movimientos socioambientales, se instalaron en el repertorio de demandas populares, vislumbrando con fuerza una de las consignas de las protestas de octubre: la defensa de los territorios como espacios para la vida. A partir de ello, se propone un recorrido en dos dimensiones; primero un debate conceptual teórico desde la tradición geográfica y, por otro lado, una aproximación histórica de la emergencia de la categoría en la historia reciente chilena, con el interés de comprender una dimensión socio-territorial e histórica de lo acontecido en octubre de 2019

    Saberes locales en huertas de montaña del sur de los Andes: un refugio de memoria biocultural mapuche pewenche

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    Montane homegardens are key socio-ecological systems for agricultural production and family consumption. Care and management lies mainly on the hands of women who developed diverse agricultural practices that they have learned and nurtured due to the transmission of local knowledge. With a mixed methodological approach, which included land property characterization, semi-structured interviews and focus groups, this work compiled and systematized the local wisdom, associated with knowledge, practices and beliefs, of mapuche-pewenche communities from southern Chile. We identified three categories of wisdom associated with the management of montane homegardens: i) control of pathogenic organisms, ii) fertility of the soil, and iii) design and stewardship of farm systems. This wisdom contributes to build a biocultural memory associated with homegardens that has endured over time and has been transmitted through generations. Recalling this memory allows maintaining the past alive, comprehend the present and sustainably shape the future of small-scale agriculture in ancestral Mapuche-Pewenche territory of the southern Andes.Las huertas de montaña son sistemas socio-ecológicos clave para la producción agrícola destinada al consumo familiar. El cuidado y gestión de ellas recae principalmente en manos de mujeres que desarrollan diversas prácticas agrícolas que han aprendido y cultivado gracias a la transmisión de los saberes locales. Con un enfoque metodológico mixto, que incluyó fichas de caracterización predial, entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupos focales, este trabajo recopiló y sistematizó los principales saberes locales, asociados a conocimientos, prácticas y creencias, de un grupo de mujeres mapuche pewenche en una comuna cordillerana del sur de Chile. Los resultados permitieron distinguir tres categorías de saberes asociados al manejo de la huerta: i) control de organismos patógenos, ii) manejo y fertilidad del suelo, y iii) diseño y gestión de sistemas productivos. Estos saberes participan en la construcción de una memoria biocultural asociada a la huerta que ha perdurado en el tiempo y se ha transmitido entre generaciones. Evocar esta memoria permite mantener vivo el pasado, comprender el presente y planificar de manera sustentable el futuro de la agricultura a pequeña escala en territorio ancestral mapuche pewenche del sur de los Andes

    El espacio geográfico magallánico: antecedentes acerca de su estructura y funcionamiento

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    La Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena ha mantenido siempre una situación periférica, en cuanto a su posición geográfica y funcional. Sus atributos topográficos y climáticos han determinado en gran medida la ocupación del territorio. Muchas veces la división político-administrativa no corresponde a la organización y estructura sociocultural de las regiones. Es por ello, imperioso conocer sus características para comprender a cabalidad su composición, articulación y funcionamiento, con el fin de establecer modelos capaces de dar cuenta de la verdadera naturaleza de dichos territorios

    La Montología Global 4D: Hacia las Ciencias Convergentes y Transdisciplinarias de Montaña a través del Tiempo y el Espacio

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    With mountain studies we use integrative approaches for geoliteracy about productive socioecological landscapes, and motivate further transdisciplinary research in montology. We conceived this white paper as a confluence of individual expertise and collective reasoning towards forming synergistic research clusters dealing with convergent mountain science, to advance montology to a new level, whereby innovative thinking about sustainability science and regenerative development incorporates alternative propositions for maintenance, improvement, or regeneration of living conditions of mountainscapes. We seek to use this contemporary framing of sustainability and ecological restoration as the impetus to better understand nature-culture relations, framed on lived-in mountains that operate in four dimensions (length, width, depth, and time) oriented at maximizing the cross-cutting of themes around mountains as productive socioecological systems, in a new academic institutionalized convergent unit. We conclude with a call for consilient, sustainable, regenerative development in the world’s mountains.La utilización de los estudios de montaña requiere de narrativas integradoras para la geoalfabetización sobre paisajes socioecológicos productivos y motiva más investigaciones transdisciplinares en el campo de la montología. Concebimos este artículo como la confluencia de la experiencia individual y el razonamiento colectivo hacia la formación de grupos de investigación sinérgicos que se ocupan de la ciencia de montaña convergente, para hacer avanzar la montología a un nuevo nivel, mediante el cual el pensamiento innovador sobre la ciencia de la sustentabilidad y el desarrollo regenerativo incorpora propuestas alternativas para el mantenimiento, la mejora, o regeneración de las condiciones de vida de los paisajes de montaña. Buscamos utilizar este marco contemporáneo de sustentabilidad y restauración ecológica como el ímpetu para comprender mejor las relaciones de la naturaleza y la cultura, desde una perspectiva transdisciplinar, en montañas habitadas que operan en cuatro dimensiones (largo, ancho, alto y tiempo). El artículo está orientado a potenciar la transversalidad de temáticas en torno a las montañas como sistemas socioecológicos productivos, en una nueva disciplina académica institucionalizada y convergente. Concluimos con un llamado a un desarrollo regenerativo, sustentable y consiliente en las montañas del mundo

    Psychological strategies to resist slowing down or stopping during endurance activity: An expert opinion paper

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    Within this paper, we provide an expert opinion on five evidence-based psychological strategies that could help endurance participants overcome slowing down and stopping during performance: goal setting, motivational self-talk, relaxation, distraction, and pacing. We argue that these strategies are well-suited for delivery as brief-contact, educational interventions that could be accessible to large numbers of participants who do not have access to a sport and exercise psychologist. These interventions could be delivered using websites, online videos, workshops, or magazine articles. We propose a novel use for implementation intentions (i.e., if-then planning) to develop endurance participants’ conditional knowledge of when to use specific strategies. In addition, although research evidence suggests that these psychological strategies may be efficacious for overcoming thoughts of slowing down or stopping, there are important limitations in the research evidence. In particular, there is a dearth of ecologically valid, field-based effectiveness studies. Finally, we consider situations where attempts to resist slowing down or stopping during endurance activity may not be advisable. Scenarios include when there is an increased likelihood of injury, or when environmental conditions increase the risk of life-threatening events

    Vaccination with Recombinant Microneme Proteins Confers Protection against Experimental Toxoplasmosis in Mice

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    Toxoplasmosis, a zoonotic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii, is an important public health problem and veterinary concern. Although there is no vaccine for human toxoplasmosis, many attempts have been made to develop one. Promising vaccine candidates utilize proteins, or their genes, from microneme organelle of T. gondii that are involved in the initial stages of host cell invasion by the parasite. In the present study, we used different recombinant microneme proteins (TgMIC1, TgMIC4, or TgMIC6) or combinations of these proteins (TgMIC1-4 and TgMIC1-4-6) to evaluate the immune response and protection against experimental toxoplasmosis in C57BL/6 mice. Vaccination with recombinant TgMIC1, TgMIC4, or TgMIC6 alone conferred partial protection, as demonstrated by reduced brain cyst burden and mortality rates after challenge. Immunization with TgMIC1-4 or TgMIC1-4-6 vaccines provided the most effective protection, since 70% and 80% of mice, respectively, survived to the acute phase of infection. In addition, these vaccinated mice, in comparison to non-vaccinated ones, showed reduced parasite burden by 59% and 68%, respectively. The protective effect was related to the cellular and humoral immune responses induced by vaccination and included the release of Th1 cytokines IFN-γ and IL-12, antigen-stimulated spleen cell proliferation, and production of antigen-specific serum antibodies. Our results demonstrate that microneme proteins are potential vaccines against T. gondii, since their inoculation prevents or decreases the deleterious effects of the infection

    Mapping past human land use using archaeological data: A new classification for global land use synthesis and data harmonization

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    In the 12,000 years preceding the Industrial Revolution, human activities led to significant changes in land cover, plant and animal distributions, surface hydrology, and biochemical cycles. Earth system models suggest that this anthropogenic land cover change influenced regional and global climate. However, the representation of past land use in earth system models is currently oversimplified. As a result, there are large uncertainties in the current understanding of the past and current state of the earth system. In order to improve repre- sentation of the variety and scale of impacts that past land use had on the earth system, a global effort is underway to aggregate and synthesize archaeological and historical evi- dence of land use systems. Here we present a simple, hierarchical classification of land use systems designed to be used with archaeological and historical data at a global scale and a schema of codes that identify land use practices common to a range of systems, both imple- mented in a geospatial database. The classification scheme and database resulted from an extensive process of consultation with researchers worldwide. Our scheme is designed to deliver consistent, empirically robust data for the improvement of land use models, while simultaneously allowing for a comparative, detailed mapping of land use relevant to the needs of historical scholars. To illustrate the benefits of the classification scheme and meth- ods for mapping historical land use, we apply it to Mesopotamia and Arabia at 6 kya (c. 4000 BCE). The scheme will be used to describe land use by the Past Global Changes (PAGES) LandCover6k working group, an international project comprised of archaeologists, historians, geographers, paleoecologists, and modelers. Beyond this, the scheme has a wide utility for creating a common language between research and policy communities, link- ing archaeologists with climate modelers, biodiversity conservation workers and initiatives.publishedVersio